We create opportunities to develop a range of skills and values that will be beneficial for future roles in society.

At Brighton College Al Ain the E-Learning programme for Senior School combines streamed classes with project-based tasks and scheduled tutor sessions, empowering pupils to take ownership of their learning. Consistent assessments in the form of formative and summative tasks allow teachers to know their pupils in depth and carefully monitor, track and plan their progress.

Pupils are also provided with opportunities that challenge, inspire, and encourage them to investigate, analyze and be inventive, through cross-curricular projects. 

Pupils will observe, identify, plan, implement, test and apply what they have learnt throughout their course of study. The school day for senior pupils includes scheduled face time with teachers, this planning allows for adaptability, and takes into consideration the limitations of technology, the concern about screen time, and the need for families to be flexible with their devices and home arrangements.

We inspire excellence in our pupils by presenting them with opportunities to think innovatively, logically, analytically, and critically.

All teachers set work for their pupils during the day that takes approx. 55 minutes to complete. This is 30 minutes in the morning and another 25 minutes in the afternoon to finish the work, prep or consolidate the learning. 

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Where our Culture of Kindness inspires our digital classroom.

Brighton College Al Ain has a wonderful sense of community and all our parents, teachers, friends, and connections are important to us. This begins with the commitment to clear, regular and informative communication going out to parents and ends with an amazing sense of support and unity from everyone through a plethora of joint initiatives. 

Be it engaging sessions with peers and teachers over interactive platforms, taking part in live Tunes at Tea time performances or completing pre-recorded PE activities, the benefits are manifold; friendships, passion, role models, positive relationships and pastoral support are all promoted. Ultimately this gives our pupils a sense of identity and the knowledge that they are a part of something special and extraordinary- the Brighton family.


Parent Testimonials

"I just wanted to say Thank you for the incredible way you are teaching Maths online to the Year 8 boys.  I love the way you explain, and teach online.  I know that this is not easy, you are doing an incredible job" – Year 8 Parent

Teachers have been producing very creative videos and giving timely feedback to pupils.  Staff are clearly dedicated  and are working very hard to make sure the distance learning experience is successful and engaging.' - Year 7 Parent

'Distance Learning has been a journey, but all of my daughters' teachers have given their time and shown flexibility with her learning, demonstrating a deep understanding for her individual needs. I have been grateful for their patience with her. To see my daughter grow with confidence has been amazing. I am highly thankful to all of the teachers.​' - Year 7 Parent

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